Monday, August 23, 2010

Seeking advice for food-borne illness lasting 3 weeks, at what point do I need to seek emergency medical help?

I am 30 years old. 3 weeks ago went to Tiajuana, 2 days after returning became very ill. Violent diahrrea, stomach cramps, low-grade fever etc. Took antibiotics (Cypro) for 5 days and finished them. Today (20 days later) I still have abdominal pain (now on the lower right side of stomach that comes and goes), cramping, fatigue, diahrrea comes and goes, changes in stool, can only eat watered down soup and crackers. If I try to eat anything else become miserable. Waiting on the results of parasite infection test. When would I need to seek emergency help? Any idea what type of parasidic infection would cause above symptoms? I do have stomach problems (for the past 8 years) take aciphex and zantac daily. Never before have had lactose intollerance either. Any ideas or advice would be great.Seeking advice for food-borne illness lasting 3 weeks, at what point do I need to seek emergency medical help?
I don't know if ER is the place, unless you feel really bad and you think you need to cal 911. But you definitely need to go to a different doctor, or to the same doctor, just call up the clininc and say that you are feeling very sick and you need help now.

Antibiotics kill bacterial, but don't kill virused. You might be a having a viral infection. There was a lot of talk about stomach flu in my area (No CA) about a couple of years ago. People say it is quite miserable. I'm not sure how that was cured, or if your sympthoms exactly correspond.

I hope you get well soon.Seeking advice for food-borne illness lasting 3 weeks, at what point do I need to seek emergency medical help?
Not much you can do until the parasite infection test comes back. Saw a show talking about the different parasites people can get. Some are real nasty.

Maybe call and ask about pain meds.
Go now before it kills you! There are too many things you can catch in this day and age!
go now for sure.
I would go to the ER right now! Tell them everything and get a medication that will ease your discomfort. Call your doc and tell him/her the same and get a rush on your results. It shouldn't take 3 weeks for such results to come back! FYI...Food borne illnesses can cause death-take control of your health and don't leave it in the hands of someone else!
try acidophilus, or papaya. or a digestive enzymes, or a milti-enzymes, next time you go take charcoal with you, or a digestive enzyme with you.
Why don't you just consult some doctor? And there seem to be a lot of sites where you can get proffesional medical advice on the net. This hardly seems to be the place. Unless you're asking the common folk. But my answer to your question would be: If you're asking when to seek emergincy medical help...if you're not sure it's always wise to keep on the safe side. Just don't ask people on the internets about it. From what you have described it doesn't seem like an emergency but it could be a sign of something worse. I'm just saying just consult some professionals. But if by chance some Tiajuana parasite infection specialist answers to this.... I really hope you resolve your problem but places like this more or less give you the false impression. Including mine I guess. This really doesn't answer all the questions


I would go now, you don't want to get dehydrated

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