Monday, August 23, 2010

I have Oedema/Water Retention i take a water tablet but it do not seem to help,any advice?

Diuretics have only 2 clear medical indications,hypertension and congestive cardiac failure.

Unfortunately they are often prescribed for simple fluid retention,the commonest link here is obesity.They tend to be notoriously unhelpful in these cases.

The diuretic increases urine output,after a short time this is detected by the hypothalamus. It causes release of the hormone ADH which is stored in the pituitary. ADH reduces the urine output and the oedema returns. If at this point you stop the diuretic,it takes a while for the hypothalamus to detect this and it continues to release excess ADH. As a result urine output falls and the fluid retention appears worse than in the premedicated state.I have Oedema/Water Retention i take a water tablet but it do not seem to help,any advice?
Yes, make an appointment to see your GP.

You don't say why you are on diuretics or where the oedema is, but whatever the reason you need to see a doctor.

Eliminate added salt and salty foods from your diet.

Make that appointment, your doctor will either change your medications or refer you to the appropriate specialist.I have Oedema/Water Retention i take a water tablet but it do not seem to help,any advice?
Have you had your BP checked lately? Maybe you need a beta blocker AND a diuretic.
u should go back to the doctor who prescribed it and tell him/her that its not working so maybe they can try a different one, or increse the dose.

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