Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Men and women please, i need your advice! help?

i am sick of being single , i want a b/f and the last guy i liked was nice at first then he turned out to be an asshole , you see we met while at work, he knew i was leaving and he didn't bother to give me his number, now there is a guy at my new job, he is a cute guy,he flirts with me constantly , but the problem is that he has a fiancee, although he told his friend they are fighting and he thinks he is going to break up the engagement, then there is another guy at the same place, he is a very funny guy and goes out of his way to just do funny stuff, for example, we were walking next to each other and he jumped and fell on the floor and pretended i had tripped him, but he later told me it was a joke, he is a nice guy, the problem is i NEVER get approach by any guy and the ones i have approached turned me down, so i'm waiting for one of the guys at my new job to approach me, i mean what should i do ,should i approach them?Men and women please, i need your advice! help?
You should just wait. When God has a guy for you he will let you and the guy know that this is Mr. Right.Men and women please, i need your advice! help?
How old are you and what year is this? Girls ask guys out all of the time now. Treat it like shopping, see something you like, pick it up! Get with it! And stop trying to date guys from your work! It usually leads to disaster.

Rule #1: Don't Look for Love!

Rule #2: Be happy, confidant and yourself no matter what!

If you're that hard up, try harmony.com
Never get involved with a person from work. My rule is to not get involved with people in my city. Honey child, go volunteer to manage a guys basketball team, or feed soup to homeless men at the Salvation Army, join the army and go to Iraq, but never, never, get involved with guys at work.
Follow your heart, seek God and await his answer he will not lead you astray. Be patient my child and when you can grab the coin from my hand you will be ready ha ha!!
NO, wait for them to approach you!
tell him
Don't get frantic, and don't grab the first guy who shows signs of interest. Just be open, friendly, and get to know them a little better.
Have you ever heard of the expression

Never Sh*t where you eat?
Sometimes, you can't just stand there and wait for life to pass you by. Invite one of them or both, or a group out for a drink on night, or organise a works drink for Christmas, then make the running. That doesn;t mean you have to come on strong, just start the conversations for a change.

Carpe diem!! (That means ';Seize the day';, btw, not anything rude)
One piece of advice. Make it a rule - repeat after me:


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